Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Coupon Class!

I taught my first coupon class last night.  I think it was a success!  I am going to teach another one tonight.  That will be the decision maker.  I am teaching friends, and the fee I am "charging" them is to let me know if they think I can do this for things like continuing adult ed and parks and rec. 
I am really excited about it and hope it goes well!  Woohoo!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shopping-May 1

My daughter and I went shopping yesterday afternoon at Walgreens.  Here's what we got:
3 bottles of Head and Shoulders shampoo, 3 of conditioner. 4 cans of nuts, 8 dry idea deodorants, 7 packs of Noxema ladies' razors (4 per pack), 3 packs of large envelopes (8 per pack) and one pencil sharpener.
We spent $26.44 and got $108.84 worth of product. The $108 price does not reflect full price, but rather sale prices. So we really saved even more than approximately 75%.

I'd say that's pretty good, huh?  In the weeks to come, I will share our shopping ventures.  In between times, I hope to be on here, sharing past shopping trips to encourage you to save huge money with coupons and sales.

Meanwhile, keep saving!