Sunday, August 28, 2011


Tonight, I have 3 trips to tell you about.  No, make that 4.
Last Wednesday, my daughter moved back home from living in the city all summer.  Right after moving in and having supper with the family, she said, "Can we go coupon shopping?  I've missed it."  What kind of mom would say no to that???
We made a trip to Walgreens with great success!

We spent $25.21 and saved $59.54.  That's over 60% savings! 
We got: 3 bars of Dove Soap, 2 packs of gum (1 extra, 1 mist), 1 tube of Colgate Sensative toothpaste, 8 tubes of Crest 3-D White toothpaste, and 6 bottles of Dawn dish washing soap.

We also got (in the same trip) 4 bottles of Axe body wash for my daughter's boyfriend.  He was leaving to go to college the very next morning, so those didn't make it home for a photo shoot.  LOL.
The Axe was the best deal:  It was buy one, get one 50% off at Walgreens.  I had buy one, get one free coupons.  So, I bought 2 bottles of Axe for 1/2 the price of 1.  Each set of 2 bottles was $3.21

On Saturday, I went back for more Axe for my son.  Six bottles, $10.54.  They should have been over $36; they are $5.97 each before tax.

Well, that's all this shopper has to report...oh, wait!  I also did a HyVee run (local grocery store) on Saturday.  I got 10 half gallons of Silk Almond Milk for $1.99 each, instead of the normal $3.29.  We are keeping 2 and giving the other 8 to friends.   :)
With all the coupons and sales Saturday, we saved over $20 on our grocery bill.   Rockin'!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Solo shopping at Walgreens

I am so excited about this shopping trip.  Usually I take my 20 year old daughter with me, but she wasn't available yesterday.  I only bought a few items to keep it easy on myself.  I had $12 in register rewards that were going to expire, and I didn't want to waste them.

I did six transactions. 
I bought: 1 Glade air freshner, 4 Revelon tweezers, 4  black dry erase markers, 100 pencils (for Operation Christmas Child) and 170 PaperMate ink pens.  We lose ink pens like you would not believe around here!  That should keep us enough til next August.  LOL.

I spent $2.61 total.  Total savings?  $85.89. 

Not bad for being worried I wouldn't be able to do this without my daughter!  Woohoo for me.